Hillary Solves Our Energy Problems
...by you guessed it, complaining about past federal energy policies. Power Line reports that Senator Clinton is complaining that in the past 30 years we have "gone backwards" with respect to solving the country's long-term energy problem.
Will she propose any positive solutions? Stay tuned. But don't hold your breath; I haven't heard a realistic proposal from the left or the Greens in years (if ever).
Hi Dearest,
Looks like Senator Clinton is just trying to score points with thinking she can do something constructive. Which by the way she can’t if anything she will make things worse then it is! Believe me she has nothing to offer!
We should first start with the Clinton Hot Air. That could drive the turbines that generate the electricity for the thousands of homes that Jimmy Carter will build.
Kid's are so Smart
Have we had a huricane named Hillary yet?
This is a the link that didn't work with the "kids are so smart" part.
Go to my site I have the picture there :)scroll under July's arcive
I have two pictures there ;)
That is so funny!
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