Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Who’s Guilty Of Worse Crimes?

If you watch or read most the mainstream media, they would rather hang Representative Tom DeLay for alleged campaign finance irregularities than Saddam Hussein for mass murder, torture, and more general crimes against humanity than just about anyone since Hitler. See Michelle Malkin for a summary of the first day media coverage of Saddam’s trial.

How anyone can seriously characterize Saddam Hussein as a victim, is beyond me. But a lot of people seem to be very worried about his rights. I don’t see how anybody can seriously care about his rights when he denied so many people theirs.

At the same time, you can tell by the tone of the coverage of Tom DeLay’s indictment, the New York Times & Co. would love nothing better to see him hanged.

It’s amazing that the liberals and media don’t see the blatancy of their own hypocracy. Eventually the American people are going to notice (if they haven’t already) who the liberal’s and media’s “heros” are.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Earthquake! Who will help?

A devastating earthquake hit Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan Saturday. Over 20,000 people are already reported dead in Pakistan. President Bush has already personally offered American assistance and money to help in the recovery from this horrible disaster. Before long, major web sites will be posting links on how we can donate in the relief effort and once again the American people will step up and make personal donations to the Red Cross and other relief agencies.

Other countries will give also, of course... And I congratulate them on their generosity. But, it will be the United States and the American people who lead the way. I haven't seen the statistics, but I'd be willing to bet that private citizens in America gave more of their own money to help after last December's tsunami than most (if not all) governments outside our own.

We don't do it out of guilt. We don't do for personal gain. We do it because we know that helping others in their time of need is the right thing to do.