Sunday, October 09, 2005

Earthquake! Who will help?

A devastating earthquake hit Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan Saturday. Over 20,000 people are already reported dead in Pakistan. President Bush has already personally offered American assistance and money to help in the recovery from this horrible disaster. Before long, major web sites will be posting links on how we can donate in the relief effort and once again the American people will step up and make personal donations to the Red Cross and other relief agencies.

Other countries will give also, of course... And I congratulate them on their generosity. But, it will be the United States and the American people who lead the way. I haven't seen the statistics, but I'd be willing to bet that private citizens in America gave more of their own money to help after last December's tsunami than most (if not all) governments outside our own.

We don't do it out of guilt. We don't do for personal gain. We do it because we know that helping others in their time of need is the right thing to do.


At 9/10/05 5:49 PM, Blogger Tom C said...

Tom, time will tell. I for one have a hard time giving to a country that has the toughest of the anti American madrasses

At 9/10/05 9:42 PM, Blogger dcat said...

Oh "Hi" Tom C,

Hi TomCat,

Let’s hope that at least most of them would be Osama and his gang of crazy loons!

Sorry hun but I think that the animals need our pay check from that storm!

Didn’t Pakistan harbor terrorist were they helpful with us?

The smart ones are the ones becoming American Citizens and helping in this effort with us. Yes we are always helping someone.

As always pulling some ones ass out of a jam!


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