Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Who’s Guilty Of Worse Crimes?

If you watch or read most the mainstream media, they would rather hang Representative Tom DeLay for alleged campaign finance irregularities than Saddam Hussein for mass murder, torture, and more general crimes against humanity than just about anyone since Hitler. See Michelle Malkin for a summary of the first day media coverage of Saddam’s trial.

How anyone can seriously characterize Saddam Hussein as a victim, is beyond me. But a lot of people seem to be very worried about his rights. I don’t see how anybody can seriously care about his rights when he denied so many people theirs.

At the same time, you can tell by the tone of the coverage of Tom DeLay’s indictment, the New York Times & Co. would love nothing better to see him hanged.

It’s amazing that the liberals and media don’t see the blatancy of their own hypocracy. Eventually the American people are going to notice (if they haven’t already) who the liberal’s and media’s “heros” are.


At 19/10/05 5:54 PM, Blogger dcat said...

Let’s tape firecrackers to him all over his body and light them one at a time! I am starting to feel better now! Um let’s make it M80’s and cherry bombs!

At 19/10/05 6:56 PM, Blogger Tom C said...

Good god! Hide the gun powder Tom Cat! The Missus wants to blow something up! It's all about the rule of law. We all want him dead, but they can't be like us if they don't give him a fair trial.

At 19/10/05 9:58 PM, Blogger Mr. dcat said...


My point isn't so much whether or not Saddam or DeLay get a fair trial... it's more that the liberals and the media would take more pleasure in a DeLay conviction over a Saddam conviction.

At 20/10/05 12:39 PM, Blogger Mike's America said...

O.K... so AFTER the trial we can taple M-8o's to his body... use jumper cables on his genitals. Stick him in an acid bath, pound nails through this knees, then feed him feet first and slowly through a wood chipper and feed whatever comes out the other end to vultures.

At 20/10/05 6:13 PM, Blogger dcat said...


I think pointing and laughing at Saddam would be a good thing to do to him in court!!! Everyday that he makes an appearance till the end! Oh and please face him to the WEST!!! Pour pig’s blood on him and what the hell else you can possibly do that is Islam bad!

Put duct tape over that trap of his and only allow a shake of the head yes or no! If he refuses and the answer is in the way of Guilty count it as a yes.

Rip off the tape if he becomes agitated and then put another fresh piece on!

At 3/11/05 7:03 PM, Blogger Tom C said...

It's all about power. The control of the US senate means more to those folks then morals.


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