The Democratic Party: Are They Still Americans?
Former President Clinton has broken with tradition and openly criticized his successor, President George W. Bush on multiply fronts. See Power Line. This is a sad day for America, but it has been growing since President Bush’s first victory against Al Gore. The Democratic Party would rather see the United States humiliated and ridiculed under a Republican president than succeed at home and in the world in general.
The hypocrisy of their position on Iraq has always galled me (if a Democrat had done it, they and the media would be praising every success). The people of Iraq lived for more than 30 years under a murderous, terrorist supporting dictator; and to claim that we shouldn’t have ousted and ultimately captured Saddam simply because we never found 50 tons of nerve gas or some other WMDs is petty beyond belief.
Democrats presume to compare Iraq to Vietnam. This is absurd! The war in Vietnam was a purported effort to stem the rise of Communism. The North Vietnamese were fully supported, supplied, and financed by the U.S.S.R and the Chinese Communists. It began, and was escalated by the way, under two Democratic administrations (Kennedy and Johnson). The continuation of the war in Iraq (and most of the ongoing destruction) is being supported by dictatorial states (Syria, Iran, etc) and nationless terrorists (Al-Queda).
Democrats (and the mainstream media) fault the President for what hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans as if he commanded the hurricane’s very creation and path. The fact that local authorities at both the local and state level ignored his pleas for action is of little consequence in their minds. They would blame the recent tsunami on him too, if they could figure out how.
How anyone can hold their head up and claim to be proud to be a Democrat in light of all this is beyond me.
Hello dearest,
I'm sure the new I pod will help you with this dilemma. I have been seeing stuff like this for quite some time. "I told you about it too!" Nice to see you are now awake to the concept of the loony left democrats. Yawn as if they have anything new to report...nada! Same ole same ole and from Clinton “the has-been” is nothing more then envy! I mean what great thing did he do? Oh yeah maybe a great blow job done in the oval room that sums it up don't you think!
Enjoy that new I pod honey :)
Yes, I've known it too, my darling. I'm not living nirvanic vacuum. In general, it's just the way that "the game of politics" is played... but the latest of Clinton's exploits torked me off.
Even Jimmy Carter, argueably one of the worst presidents of all time, hasn't stooped this low.
Frankly, if the country is dumb enough to elect Hillary, we deserve what we get.
Oh, I don't know... I think Carter is about as bad as they come. He messed things up worse than Clinton in many ways.
But I will say that in eight years Reagan was able to reverse the course and repair the damage.
Somehow I doubt that as hard as we try, we'll be able to completely erase the damage Clinton has done, so you may be right.
Perhaps the most damaging thing Clinton has done is competely polarized all poltical discussion into US vs. THEM.
If anyone finds a photo of Clinton on vacation at Martha's Vineyard in August 1995 while over 700 mostly poor black and senior citizens died in the Chicago heat wave, I hope you will drop me a line.
That Democrats actually believe the crap they spout is amazing to me. I was once a Democrat, but I never really believed nor was comfortable with their positions on anything.
I voted for Carter and Clinton to my everlasting chagrin. But never again.
Clinton was a hero when the 700 people in Chicago died of the heat and Chirac couldn't be blamed when 15,000 French elderly died from the heat because he was on vacation (which he never cut short.) Bush (i.e. Republican) did cut his vacation short and flew back to Washington to take command and he gets the blame for creating the Hurricane Katrina.
At least, Bush actually did something about the weather instead of just talking about it.
I believe it was Jimmeh that broke tradition first and bashed Bush on the war. He seems to forget how inefective we were during the hostage crisis.
Jimmeh who the nut picker?
Tom C
Go for that aortic vein! :)
Various bipartisan investigations have shown us the truth behind the Iraq war: Its rationales were fabricated by a Western intelligence community under enormous pressure to provide the Bush and Blair administrations with support for a decision they already had made. That makes it all but impossible to question the wisdom of John Paul's positions on the war and on American arrogance. Instead, the Bush administration and an acquiescent media have found it best to simply ignore them.
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Sofocleto and you John,
He isn't interested in you! Got that slime!
Watch the Video of the Horror Show John.
In Crooks and Liars.
Is there a need to say more?
Based on Sofocleto's comments, it seems his lineage has evolved rather slowly. However, I am sure there is progress...
At 40, just learned how to drive, first road trip.
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