Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tribute to President Reagan

Razor Sharp Claws has links to a great collection of Reagan's speeches from throughout his political career. He inherited the presidency from a president who let Americans stay hostage to a radical, lunatic country for more than a year and gave us a recession with double digit inflation (I remember when home loans were at 14%).

The hostages were freed at the very beginning of Reagan's presidency. This was almost surely due to fear on the Iranian's part that this president would actually do something about it. Subsequently, inflation was brought under control. However, the most important achievement was the defeat of Soviet and eastern European communism. Some may say that the cost of this was too high, but in the long run we came out of it into an economic boom that lasted until the end of the 20th century. Reagan's presidency set the stage for prosperity of the 90's and I truly believe we would have experienced this boom under almost any subsequent president.

Bill Clinton reversed many of Reagan's policies, ignored the terrorist attacks that occurred under his administration, and left us weak when the un-ignorable 9/11 attack occurred. Neither George H. W. Bush or Bill Clinton had the resolve to fight terrorism head on as President George W. Bush has.

Pray that we have the strength to stay the course this time.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Latest Poll

Soon to be announced all over the liberal, mainstream media, the latest MSNBC live poll shows that 86% of people polled think the President should be impeached. Of course, the poll is self-described as "un-scientific" and the questions are unbelievably biased, but -- what the hell -- it's a poll, so it must be true.

Other polls don't seem to jive with this. The President's approval rating has been improving steadily towards 50% (from low of 39%) even as these supposedly earth shattering revelations have been coming to light. Most people in the U.S. have nothing to hide, don't make international calls to suspected terrorists, and are glad that we haven't had any more attacks since 9/11.

I personally, don't feel that either my rights and my privacy have been violated. Anyone who thinks things are that horrible here should move elsewhere. I've noticed that none of the celebrities who said they would leave if Bush got elected, actually did. They probably realized that other countries do a lot more spying on their own citizens than the U.S.

For the pessimists out there: Lighten up, think about the positives once in a while and...

Have a Happy New Year!